Ever wake up after a GREAT night out, and feel like you were hit by a school bus? In my opinion it's likely that you have or will feel like this, at least once in your lifetime. This blog is dedicated to helping you feel better, as quickly as possible! Especially, if you have class or work the next morning.
In case you've been living on Mars, and have no clue what a hangover feels like here are some of the symptoms that show an intense night full of partying! According to
MayoClinic hangover symptoms include: fatigue, nausea, headaches, thirst, shakes, chills, red eyes, etc..
According to
Lifescript, the top 5 remedies are:
Eat: Nothing like Mickey D's, but a well balanced combination of carbs; such as eggs.
Have Sex: This releases endorphins, which reduce hangover symptoms. On the plus side you'll burn off a few of last night's liquids.
Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate: When drinking alcohol you lose a lot of water, as a result your liver and kidneys can't process the alcohol properly. So sports drinks such as Gatorade or Powerade are your best choices.
Painkillers are a MUST: Your typical aspirin such as Tylenol and Ibuprofen can actually make symptoms worse, instead try an aspirin for headaches such as Excedrin; this will limit stomach irritation.
SNOOOZE and SLEEP it off: Okay so maybe you can call out of work, and write your a teacher an email saying your not feeling well. In any case, getting rest and allowing your body to recuperate helps for a speedy recovery.